Messy Sexy Comfy Hats!!!!


Hello Everyone!!!! I'm back and this time with a review!!!!! Usually i review cell phones and other things that turn on, but this time im going to review some style products to make YOU the TURN ON ;) 

1.) First up is Axe: messy look hair paste. (as shown in picture above)

- Fragrance: It smells great, something like Nivia after shave or the Wood section of home depot. Very manly yet slightly metro. 8/10

- Endurance: Very good endurance, the hold is great and you can re-sculpt throughout the day fairly well if you wish, though if you planning on doing something sweaty like running or clubbing all night, it might let loose a little.  8/10

- Price: I purchase mine at Target for a little over 5 dollars including tax. For the quality the price is dead on. 

2.) the second product i want to review is an ABI Fitted Cap (Black):

It's comprised of heavy duty material like you'd find in a New Era Cap. Color stay nice and dark even after repeated use, wears like your average 30-40 dollar cap (which means it lasts pretty well). Caps can make a huge difference in your appearance, and also improve an outfit. For $15.00 (compared to overpriced NewEra Caps) I say it's a steal. Available at Foot Locker.

3.) Lastly are a pair of shoes: Nike SB P-Rod 2 (Supreme Colorway)

Now I ordered this shoes from recently, so i don't have them yet, but LOOK AT THEM! i know this one isn't much of a review but i like the design, and yes i know it was done on a pair of sb's before, but i just love how these look. very jordan/skate. Can't wait till they arrive !!! =] 

Thank you for reading my nonsense everyone!!! If theres something you'd like me to review please leave a comment and let me know!!! your feed back is always appreciated!!!! Take Care, Till Next Time!!!!!!


Ok chances are there wont be one, but i've gathered sample pictures from photographers and concept artists that i know personally. Take a look, leave a comment,  Enjoy!

Jannette Figueroa Age: 17

Kheng K. Lim Age: 19

Javier Figueroa Age: 20

Jenny Thach Age: 18

I need you, whoever you are.......


Oh how i miss it.
so electric, so cold, and yet no feeling to it at all,
brown eyes, spoiled by many,
reconstructed in your ellipses  like no other,
like no one, 
i see only in darkness,
light blinds me,
music revives my broken lifeless body,
only to feel you once more,
the air has become more and more artificial,
plastic coated lungs,
i've drowned you out with tears,
i've blocked you out with fatigue,
oddly enough,
all this struggle,
and i don't even know who you are,
i just want you. 



Heartache is by far the most effective emotion ever experienced in human history. Lately it's been kicking in hard. I don't miss anyone, nor do i want a girlfriend right now, but for some reason there's an empty sickening feeling that seems to take up most of my day. Hopefully this feeing will come to pass soon enough, but for the mean time it's here and so i thought I'd share a couple of things I've noticed.
1. I appreciate scenery more when I'm depressed. The sunsets are more orange, the nights have more stars, and the city streets and lights seem more and more appealing.
2. There are certain songs that will improve/worsen your mood:
  Zelda - Saria's song (orchestrated full version)
  Jackson Five - ABC (123)
   Junior Senior - Move Your Feet
  Landon Pigg - In Love At A Cofee Shop
   Nujabes - Imaginary Folkore
  Gorillaz - Hong Kong
Try em out and let me know how they worked, or share your song suggestions!

Ice Cream Tuesdays?!?!? WTF


Of all the catchy slogans and deals around these days, Ice Cream Tuesdays, is about the oddest and most attractive sounding thing i've heard in some time. When a friend of mine said "hey let's go to Baskin Robins, it's Ice Cream Tuesday!!!! " I thought he finally lost it, but as it turns out there is an Ice Cream Tuesday! Head over to your local Baskin Robins and get yourself a single scoop of your favorite ice cream flavor for $1.00 or get a double scoop for only $2.00!!!! 
At the risk of sounding corny, all I have to say is, 
It's a sweet deal.
(Only available at participating Baskin Robins.)

On the Up-Side


Hello there readers, it's been about a year since i've posted so i thought I'd update a little.
I recently purchased a Nokia N82, It's an amazing cellphone / multimedia device. The crisp vivid camera and blog / video / picture apps has made me return to my life of incoherent blogging, and here I am. I recently went to D1GP in Anaheim, California. For those who do not know it is a drifting exhibition/competition with many side attractions such as car shows and women (mainly women lol) I had a blast and was glad i spent my thirty dollars for a ticket. I took some snapshots on my N82 and thought I'd share them with you, so take a look and leave comments if you wish, I will probably update on more serious topics soon but for now, I'm happily distracted.

Sometimes i think my life was meant to suck

I'm so damn depressed on a daily bases nowadays that i have a gut feeling of apathy, loathing, and anxiety, similar to depression while incredibly hungry, it sticks to me. It makes me think things i shouldn't, it makes me want to jump in front of the nearest moving vehicle going fast enough to at least damage me a little. I assume one day the task of dealing with my problems, whether i caused them or not, will clutter my mind, to the point where i wont react to anything , and simply allow benefit and harm to roam my body as parasites, until my hosting duties are inapplicable. The feeling in my stomach is churning at the moment, it makes me uneasy, and if someone would end it all for me today, i would smile and gladly allow that soothing lead grace to pierce my brain. whether or not i've actually lost anything, i've already lost.